about the project …
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The scope of the project is the in-service training of 28,100 educators of Greek primary and secondary education schools in the in-class teaching application of ICTs. This Teaching Practice involves two types of in-service training that are unavoidably interrelated:
a) The in-service training of 27,500 teachers in the principles of the educational utilization and application of ICTs, and in the acquisition of skills, according to their individual educational domain for the educational use of educational software and generic IT tools. Teacher in-service training will take place across the entire country, in the Teacher Training Support Centres. However, in certain cases of remote islands and hard to reach mountainous areas, as well as in Educational Departments where, for whatever reason the implementation of in-service training programs is simply not possible (due to e.g. an exceedingly small number of interested teachers, lack of teacher trainers or Teacher Training Support Centres), blended learning training programs will take place, which combine distance learning sessions and a limited number of face-to-face learning sessions.
b) The in-service training of 600 educators, who will become the teacher trainers of the specific educational Action. These teacher trainers, along with the existing trainers in the B-Level Teacher Trainer Registry, will provide the in-service training and will support the in-class educational use and application of the skills and knowledge that the B-Level training teacher trainees will acquire.
The implementation of the Educational Action presupposes the development of curricula, training material and studies, as well as the design, organisation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation for the above types of training. It also involves the application of know-how and skills in the classroom, the support of teacher trainees, the certification of their acquired knowledge and skills in ICTs, the development and operation of supporting structures for the organisation, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and control of the Educational Action.
The supporting infrastructures include among others the Further Training Committees, the Trainer Registries, the University teacher training centres and the Teacher Training Support Centres; the Certification Centres, the Management Information System for the Action, etc.
Within the context of the Educational Action there will be the greatest capitalization possible of the structures and registries of the Action “In-Service Teacher Training in the Use of ICT in the Educational Process”, Measure 2.1 of the Operational Programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training II, that had been implemented by the Ministry of Education.
The objectives of the Action are:
- Preparing the educators for the challenges of the “knowledge and information societies”, especially with respect to the utilization and application of Information and Communication Technologies in the educational teaching practice.
- The organisation of in-service training programs in all the prefectures of the country, addressing educators, according to a scalable degree of difficulty and added value, indicatively mentioned below:
- Use of computer network services and digital educational material
- Actual utilization of educational software in the educational process for various knowledge domains
- Fostering new attitudes towards the learning process, as this is described in the beginning of the section
- The in-class application of knowledge and skills that are acquired during training
The responsibility for the implementation of the Action was undertaken by a consortium of partners which included:
- The Organisation of Teacher Training, as the final beneficiary
- The Research Academic Computer Technology Institute (RA-CTI) and the Pedagogical Institute (PI), as co-beneficiaries & scientific partners.
And already since 24/2/2012
- The Institute of Educational Policy (IEP) (successor of the project, after the Organisation of Teacher Training and the Pedagogical Institute, were shut down according to law Ν.3966/24-5-2011),as final beneficiary
- The Computer Technology Institute & Press “Diophantus” (CTI “DIOPHANTUS”) (this is how RA-CTI was renamed by law Ν.3966/24-5-2011), as scientific partner
The Action is executed within the framework of the Operational Program “Lifelong Learning”, NSRF (2007-2013), co-funded by the European Union and the European Social Fund.
B-Level in-service training is implemented throughout the country at the Teacher Training Support Centres for the following teacher specialisation classifications:
- PΕ02 (philologists),
- PΕ03 (mathematicians),
- PΕ04 (physical sciences teachers),
- PΕ60/70 (kindergarten and primary school teachers),
- PΕ05/06/07 (French, English and German language teachers),
- PΕ19/20 (informatics teachers)
These classifications were chosen because they represent the majority of teachers and their respective teaching domains cover the majority of teaching hours. Consequently, the in-service training of these teaching classifications will have the most pervasive results in terms of utilizing ICTs in the daily educational and teaching process in the schools.