about the B-Level in-service teacher training Information and Collaboration portal…
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Welcome to the information and collaboration portal for the teachers who are interested in utilising digital technologies in education, for the teachers who underwent training or are currently undergoing training for this purpose, as well as any party interested in the utilisation and application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTS) in the teaching practice.
- The portal is provided under the framework of the project “In-Service Training of Teachers for the utilisation and application of ICT in the teaching practice” of the Operational Programme “Lifelong Learning”, NSRF (2007-2013), which is being implemented with co-funding from the European Union and the European Social Fund, and it is the continuation of an older respective project “B-Level in-service training” which was completed in 2008. It concerns an action of the Greek Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs, which has undertaken to form a consortium of its bodies which is comprised of The Organisation of Teacher Training, the Research Academic Computer Technology Institute (RA-CTI) and the Pedagogical Institute (PI), and from 24/2/2012 the consortium has been reformed and includes the Institute of Educational Policy (IEP) (successor of the project, after the Organisation of Teacher Training and the Pedagogical Institute, were shut down according to law Ν.3966/24-5-2011),as final beneficiary and the Computer Technology Institute & Press “Diophantus” (CTI “DIOPHANTUS”) (this is how RA-CTI was renamed by law Ν.3966/24-5-2011), as scientific partner
The B-Level in-service teacher training information and collaboration portal covers the organisational and preparation needs for several actions of the project at a cross country scale, while at the same time it maintains a focused informative and communicative aspect, since it provides:
- Information about the development and the procedures for executing the actions regarding the training of teachers at the Teacher Training Support Centres and for the training of teacher trainers at the University Teacher Training Centres
- Direct support in the form of a help desk
- Educational and other material in order to facilitate training of teachers and training of teacher trainers, from an organisational and from an administrative perspective
- Various online learning tools (made available gradually) in order to facilitate the communication and collaboration of online learning communities of trainees, teacher trainers, project team members and other teachers/educators.
- Authorised access to the Management Information System (MIS) of the project for those who participate directly in the project, such as: teacher trainers, teacher and educator trainees and members of the University Teacher Training Centres, as well as the implementing structures of the project, and the Teacher Training Support Centres, the University Teacher Training Centres, the Certification Centres, etc.
Moreover, in the portal you will find a selection of ICT-based educational activities in “Iphigeneia”, the repository for the educational activities that are produced in the framework of the project, by Greek B-Level teacher trainers and teacher trainees from across the entire country.
Finally, through this portal those who have a knowledge of the Greek language, as currently these sites remain in Greek, may navigate to the Central website for the Training of Teacher Trainers at the University Teacher Training Centres and to the websites of the University Teacher Training Centres (see more information for the University Teacher Training Centres here), by following the links below:
Central Website for the Training of Teacher Trainers at the University Teacher Training Centres
University Training Centre of Eastern Macedonia & Thrace
University Training Centre of Central & Western Macedonia
University Training Centre of Ipiros-Kerkira-Lefkada
University Training Centre of Thessaly
University Training Centre of the Peloponnese, Western Greece, Kefallonia & Zakynthos
University Training Centre of Attiki & Central Greece
University Training Centre of the North and South Aegean
University Training Centre of Crete
We would greatly appreciate any comments you may have, to help us improve our infrastructure. Please send your comments at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..